September | Changing of Seasons Tag

Thank you so much Dollface for tagging me for this Tag! I so sorry it’s taken me so long to get it out. I explained why I’ve been so busy in this post. If ya’ll are not following Dollface you are missing out! She is sweet, kind, loving, helpful, encouraging, funny, awesome, and much more!! Go follow her and you won’t regret it!


Here are the rules:

1. Thank the person who tagged you and link their post to yours.
2. Link the original post so the creators can read them 😀
3. Use the original featured image and include it in your post.
4. Copy and paste the meaning of the tag into your post.

The Meaning of this Tag:
Change can be difficult and heart-breaking, but it can also cause the greatest turning points in our lives. As the season begins to change for many of us in September, let’s reflect on the changes in our life, good and bad. It’s good to be honest with ourselves and see what changes still need to be made. It is also important to recognize the seasons in our life so we cherish them despite what comes with them. We hope you enjoy this tag, that it inspires you and reminds you that much like the world around us, we go through beautiful changes too.

5. Answer the questions.
6. Tag at least one person.
7. Have fun and enjoy the rest of your month! ❤



Here are the questions:

1. Of all the fall/autumn color shades (reds, yellows, oranges, etc.), which shade is your favorite?

I like all of the fall colors! I love when the trees start to change colors.


2. What fall/autumn scent is your favorite?

Probably pumpkin.


3. What is your favorite fall/autumn drink?

Umm…Tea? I really don’t know, lol.


4. What big life changes have you recently experienced?

Probably going into my Junior year in High School and being on the Journalism team and all of the traveling I will have to do.


5. How do you cope with life changes?

Prayer. Prayer. And more Prayer.


6. Who is the person you trust most?

My mom.


7. What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?

“What do you regret from your past?”
I am Tagging:
My friend… Renee
Please do not feel obligated to participate, I just wanted to recognize you and your blog! You are a dear friend and I appreciate you!

Thank you again Dollface for tagging me! Love ya!


20 thoughts on “September | Changing of Seasons Tag

  1. Girlie, you are so sweet!!! I love you too and I’m glad you were able to participate. You’ve been so busy, we’re all so proud of you and rooting for you! 😀 ❤

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  2. Awe-my sweet girl! I loved your answers! I am so thankful you will get s chance to travel while you are young. Enjoy it! I know you are going to do great with the journalism! Your photography is truly a gift from God! And the best part is, I know you will always give the honor to God in everything your hands find to do! We all have things we regret in the past, but they have shaped us into what we are today. We learn by them! Leave that shame in the past-whatever it is-and keep pressing towards the prize of His high calling! Thank you so much for tagging me and calling me friend! A true honor! 😇🤗

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    1. Thank you so much!❤ It is a gift and I will always give God the glory from it and I take it seriously.

      That’s true we all have regrets… And all of mine have shaped me and continue to shape me today. I will! Keeping my eyes on Him.❤

      You’re so welcome! You are a friend of mine and I appreciate our friendship. ❤💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You know, there was a muscadine vine down the road a couple years ago. I stopped and picked a bunch and cut them up and put them in some tea and it was really good!! I’ve been looking for more ever since…

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